Aims and scope
RAIRO-Operations Research is an international journal devoted to high-level pure and applied research on all aspects of operations research. All papers published in RAIRO-Operations Research are critically refereed according to international standards. Any paper will either be accepted (possibly with minor revisions) either submitted to another evaluation (after a major revision) or rejected. Every effort will be made by the Editorial Board to ensure a first answer concerning a submitted paper within three months, and a final decision in a period of time not exceeding six months.
RAIRO-Operations Research contains the following types of papers:
- theory and methodology papers;
- case studies describing the solution to an actual problem arising, for example, in Transports, Telecommunications, Production Systems, Financial Planning, Computational Biology, Energy or Computer Science;
- state-of-the art surveys that provide a synthesis and comprehensive review of one particular area of interest.
Apart from regular issues, RAIRO-Operations Research publishes special issues which focus on an Operations Research topic of current interest or which are devoted to a selection of conference papers. The papers of these special issues will be subjected to the same rigorous refereeing process as regular submissions.
The scope of RAIRO-Operations Research is suggested by the following alphabetical list of keywords:
Approximation and complexity
Combinatorial optimization
Constraint satisfaction
Convex programming
Game theory
Global optimization
Graphs and Networks
Integer programming
Interior points methods
Large-scale system optimization
Linear programming
Location and routing
Manufacturing systems
Mathematical programming
Markov processes
Multiple objective programming
Network flow
Nonlinear programming
Nonlinear 0-1 programming
Nonsmooth Optimization
Performance evaluation
Polyhedral methods
Local search
Semi-definite programming
Supply chain management
Stochastic models
Stochastic programming
Variational Inequalities