RAIRO - Operations Research: Topical issues
IFORS 2023
A. Ridha Mahjoub, Nelson Maculan and Ernesto G. Birgin (Guest Editors) -
Graphs, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Optimization
M.B. Campelo Neto, S. Klein, I. Loiseau, Y. Wakabayashi, A. Weintraub, V. dos Santos, T. Liebling, R. Mahjoub and N. Maculan (Guest Editors) -
Recent developments of operations research and data sciences
A. Ridha Mahjoub, A. Laghrib and A. Metrane (Guest Editors) -
Decision and Optimization in Service, Control and Engineering (CoDIT2019-DOSCE)
Operations Research and Mathematical Programming (dedicated to Prof. Alain Quilliot)
Operations Research Applications in Industry
Alain Quilliot and Rosa Figueiredo (Guest Editors) -
Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis: Recent Developments and Applications
Special issue: Recent Advances in Operations Research in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine
Special issue: Research on Optimization and Graph Theory dedicated to COSI 2013
Special issue - Advanced Optimization Approaches and Modern OR-Applications
New challenges in scheduling theory
Special ROADEF 2013. Guest editors: Andréa Cynthia Santos, Christian Prins, Alice Yalaoui