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Controlling chaotic dynamics of a delayed Hassell–Varley type predator–prey model with non-linear harvesting efforts in prey by using imprecise biological parameters
Close Interval Approximation of Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers for Interval Data-Based Transportation Problems
Z. A. M. S. Juman, Salama A. Mostafa, A. P. Batuwita, Ali AlArjani, Md Sharif Uddin, Mustafa Musa Jaber, Teg Alam and El-Awady Attia Sustainability 14(12) 7423 (2022)
Solving the multi-modal transportation problem via the rough interval approach
A novel lexicographic optimization method for solving shortest path problems with interval-valued triangular fuzzy arc weights
Ali Ebrahimnejad, Somayeh Tabatabaei and Francisco J. Santos-Arteaga Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 39(1) 1277 (2020)
Elite artificial bees' colony algorithm to solve robot's fuzzy constrained routing problem
Ali Abbaszadeh Sori, Ali Ebrahimnejad and Homayun Motameni Computational Intelligence 36(2) 659 (2020)
An effective computational attempt for solving fully fuzzy linear programming using MOLP problem
Decision making for portfolio selection by fuzzy multi criteria linear programming
Serkan Akbaş and Türkan Erbay Dalkılıç Communications Faculty Of Science University of Ankara Series A1Mathematics and Statistics 2238 (2019)
Signed distance ranking based approach for solving bounded interval‐valued fuzzy numbers linear programming problems
Ali Ebrahimnejad, Jose Luis Verdegay and Harish Garg International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(9) 2055 (2019)
Serkan AKBAŞ and Türkan ERBAY DALKILIÇ Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 6(3) 634 (2019)
The Pentagonal Fuzzy Number:Its Different Representations, Properties, Ranking, Defuzzification and Application in Game Problems
Avishek Chakraborty, Sankar Prasad Mondal, Shariful Alam, Ali Ahmadian, Norazak Senu, Debashis De and Soheil Salahshour Symmetry 11(2) 248 (2019)
A novel approach for solving all-pairs shortest path problem in an interval-valued fuzzy network
M. Enayattabr, A. Ebrahimnejad, H. Motameni and H. Garg Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37(5) 6865 (2019)
Fuzzy Sets-Based Methods and Techniques for Modern Analytics
Ali Ebrahimnejad and José Luis Verdegay Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Fuzzy Sets-Based Methods and Techniques for Modern Analytics 364 89 (2018)