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Improving agricultural sustainability through farm mergers: an energy efficiency perspective
Amar Oukil, Ahmed Nourani, Ahmed Amin Soltani, Mohamed-Rachid Boulassel and Abdelaali Bencheikh International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 22(1) (2024)
A Novel Stakeholder-Driven Approach for Objective Hotel Quality Rating
Unveiling the potential of hotel mergers: A hybrid DEA approach for optimizing sector-wide performance in the hospitality industry
Amar Oukil, Rowan Elodie Kennedy, Abdullah Al-Hajri and Ahmed Amin Soltani International Journal of Hospitality Management 116 103620 (2024)
An induced OWA aggregation operator with dual preference setting for DEA cross-efficiency ranking
Mergers as an alternative for energy use optimization: evidence from the cucumber greenhouse production using the Inverse DEA approach
Amar Oukil, Ahmed Amin Soltani, Nawal Al-Mezeini, Abdulrahim Al-Ismaili and Ahmed Nourani Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023)
Intelligent and Transformative Production in Pandemic Times
A DEA cross-efficiency inclusive methodology for assessing water quality: A Composite Water Quality Index
Amar Oukil, Ahmed Amin Soltani, Sara Zeroual, Hamouda Boutaghane, Osman Abdalla, Abdelmalek Bermad, Mahmoud Hasbaia and Mohamed-Rachid Boulassel Journal of Hydrology 612 128123 (2022)
A Study of Different Existing Methods for the Stock Selection in the Field of Quantitative Investment
Pengfei Li, Jungang Xu and Mohammad Farukh Hashmi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 1 (2022)
Global multi-period performance evaluation – New model and productivity index
Zohreh Moghaddas, Amar Oukil, Mohsen Vaez-Ghasemi, et al. RAIRO - Operations Research 56(3) 1503 (2022)
Using inverse data envelopment analysis to evaluate potential impact of mergers on energy use optimization - Application in the agricultural production