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A Penalty Groups-Assisted Iterated Greedy Integrating Idle Time Insertion: Solving the Hybrid Flow Shop Group Scheduling with Delivery Time Windows
Qianhui Ji, Yuyan Han, Yuting Wang, Biao Zhang and Kaizhou Gao Complex System Modeling and Simulation 4(2) 137 (2024)
The smart city old industrial buildings renovation: based on improved greedy algorithm
Xuan Chen, Ying Liu, Heliang Xiao, Jun Hou and Shuigen Zhang Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and Construction 177(2) 93 (2024)
Distributed hybrid flowshop scheduling with consistent sublots under delivery time windows: A penalty lot-assisted iterated greedy algorithm
An estimation of distribution algorithm with multiple intensification strategies for two-stage hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time