Free Access
Volume 4, Number V3, 1970
Page(s) 89 - 118
Published online 06 February 2017
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  • J. H. CASE, Equilibrium points of N person differential games, University of Michigan Dept of Ind. Eng. Tech. Rep., 1967-1. [MR: 2616590] [Google Scholar]
  • A. W. STARR et Y. C. Ho, « Non zero-sum differential games », J. Optimization theory and applications, 3, n° 3, March 1969. [Zbl: 0169.12301] [Google Scholar]
  • I. B. RHODES and D. G. LUENBERGER, « Differential games with imperfect state information », IEEE Tr, AC, 1969. [MR: 250685] [Google Scholar]
  • R. D. BEHN and Y. G. Ho, « On a class of linear stochastic differential games », IEEE Tr, AG 13, n° 13, June 1968. [MR: 239858] [Google Scholar]
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  • ALBOUY M., Regulation dans l'entreprise, à paraître Dunod 1970. [Google Scholar]

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