Free Access
RAIRO-Oper. Res.
Volume 16, Number 3, 1982
Page(s) 175 - 217
Published online 06 February 2017
  • 1. E. BALAS, Machine Sequencing via Disjunctive Graph : an Implicit Enumeration algorithm, Operation Research, vol. 17, n° 6, 1969. [MR: 250770] [Zbl: 0183.49404] [Google Scholar]
  • 2. K. A. BAKER, Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling, John Wiley and sons, 1974. [Google Scholar]
  • 3. K. A. BAKER et Z. S. SU, Sequencing with Due-Dates and Early Start-Times to Minimize Maximum Tardiness, Naval Research Logistic Quarterly, vol. 21, mars 1974, p. 171-176. [MR: 343892] [Zbl: 0277.90044] [Google Scholar]
  • 4. P. BRATLEY, M. FLORIAN et P. ROBILLARD, On Sequencing with Earliest Start and Due-dates with Applications to Calculations of Bounds for the (n, m, G/Fmax) Problem, Naval Research Logistic Quarterly, 1979, p. 20-57. [MR: 411599] [Zbl: 0256.90027] [Google Scholar]
  • 5. J. BRUNO, E. G. COFFMAN et R. SETHI, Algorithms for Minimizing Mean Flow Time, Proceedings, IFIPS Congress, North Holland Publishing Company août 1974, p. 504-510. [MR: 418893] [Zbl: 0297.68048] [Google Scholar]
  • 6. J. BRUNO et R. SETHI, On the Complexity of Mean Flow Time Scheduling, Technical Report, Computer Science Dept, Pennsylvania State University, 1975. [Zbl: 0402.90046] [Google Scholar]
  • 7. J. BRUNO, E. G. COFFMAN et R. SETHI, Scheduling Independant Tasks to Reduce Mean Finishing Time, Communications of the A.C.M., vol. 17, n° 7, 1974. [MR: 356869] [Zbl: 0283.68039] [Google Scholar]
  • 8. J. CARLIER, Ordonnancements à contraintes disjonctives, R.A.I.R.O., vol. 12, n° 4, novembre 1978. [EuDML: 104705] [MR: 516514] [Zbl: 0401.90052] [Google Scholar]
  • 9. J. CARLIER, Financement et ordonnancements, Rapport de recherche, IP n° 78-8, Paris-VI, 1978. [Google Scholar]
  • 10. J. CARLIER, Problème à une machine, EURO-IV, Cambridge, 1980; Rapport IP n° 80-3, Paris-VI. [Google Scholar]
  • 11. E. G. COFFMAN et R. L. GRAHAM, Optimal Scheduling for two Processor systems, Acta Informatica, vol. 1, n° 3, 1972, p. 200-213. [MR: 334913] [Zbl: 0248.68023] [Google Scholar]
  • 12. E. G. COFFMAN, Computer and Job-Shop Scheduling Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1976. [MR: 629691] [Zbl: 0359.90031] [Google Scholar]
  • 13. R. W. CONWAY, W. L. MAXWELL et L. W. MILLER, Theory of Scheduling, Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1967. [MR: 389180] [Zbl: 1058.90500] [Google Scholar]
  • 14. J. ERSCHLER, G. FONTAN et F. ROUBELLAT, Potentiels sur un graphe non conjonctif et analyse d'un problème d'ordonnancement à moyens limités, R.A.I.R.O., vol. V-13, n° 4, 1979, p. 363. [EuDML: 104740] [MR: 553270] [Zbl: 0424.90033] [Google Scholar]
  • 15. R. FAURE, C. ROUCAIROL et P. TOLLA, Chemins, Flots et ordonnancements, Gauthier-Villars, 1976. [MR: 449462] [Google Scholar]
  • 16. M. R. GAREY et D. S. JOHNSON, Computers and Intractability: a Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, California, 1978. [MR: 519066] [Zbl: 0411.68039] [Google Scholar]
  • 17. M. R. GAREY, D. S. JOHNSON et R. SETHI, The Complexity of Flow-Shop and Job-shop Scheduling, Technical Report, n° 168, Computer Science Dept, Pennsylvania State University, 1975. [Zbl: 0396.90041] [Google Scholar]
  • 18. R. L. GRAHAM, Bounds for Certain Multiprocessing Anomalies, Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol. 45, 1966, p. 1563-1581. [Zbl: 0168.40703] [Google Scholar]
  • 19. R. L. GRAHAM, Bounds for Certain Timing Anomalies, S.I.A.M. Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 17, n° 2, 1969, p. 416-419. [Google Scholar]
  • 20. R. L. GRAHAM, E. L. LAWLER, J. K. LENSTRA et A. H. G. RINNOY KAN, Optimization and Approximation in Deterministic Sequencing, Proceedings of DO 77, Vancouver. [Zbl: 0411.90044] [Google Scholar]
  • 21. W. A. HORN, Single Machine Job Sequencing with Tree-Like Precedence Ordering and Linear Delay Penalties, S.I.A.M. Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 23, 1972, p. 189-202. [MR: 421652] [Zbl: 0224.90025] [Google Scholar]
  • 22. T. C. HU, Parallel Sequencing and Assembly Line Problems, Operations Research, vol. 9, n° 6, 1961, p. 841-848. [MR: 135614] [Google Scholar]
  • 23. S. M. JOHNSON, Optimal Two and Three Stage Production Schedules, Naval Research Logistic Quarterly, vol. 1, n° 1, 1954. [Google Scholar]
  • 24. M. T. KAUFMAN, An almost Optimal Algorithm for the Assembly Line Scheduling Problem, I.E.E.E. Transactions on Computers, vol. TC-74, 1974, p. 1169-1174. [MR: 391939] [Zbl: 0288.68026] [Google Scholar]
  • 25. A. KAUFMAN et G. DESBAZEILLE, La méthode du chemin critique, Dunod, Paris, 1966. [Zbl: 0127.37001] [Google Scholar]
  • 26. J. LABETOULLE et E. L. LAWLER, On Preemptive Scheduling of Unrelated Parallel Processors, J.A.C.M. (à paraître). [Zbl: 0388.68027] [Google Scholar]
  • 27. J. LABETOULLE, E. L. LAWLER et A. H. G. RINNOY KAN, Preemptive Scheduling of Uniform Machines Subject to Release dates (à paraître). [Zbl: 0554.90059] [Google Scholar]
  • 28. E. L. LAWLER et J. M. MOORE, A Functional Equation and its Application to Resource Allocation and Sequencing Problems, Management Science, vol. 16, n° 1, septembre 1969, p. 77-84. [Zbl: 0184.23303] [Google Scholar]
  • 29. B. J. LAGEWEG, J. K. LESTRA et A. H. G. RINNOY KAN, Minimizing Maximum Lateness on one Machine: Computational Experience and some Applications, Statistica Neerlandica, vol. 30, 1976, p. 25-41. [MR: 434397] [Zbl: 0336.90029] [Google Scholar]
  • 30. J. K. LENSTRA Sequencing by Enumerative Methods, Mathematical Centre Tract, 69, Mathematical Centrum, Amsterdam, 1977. [MR: 443968] [Zbl: 0407.90025] [Google Scholar]
  • 31. S. LIN, Computer Solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem, Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol. 44, n° 10, 1965, p. 2245-2269. [MR: 189224] [Zbl: 0136.14705] [Google Scholar]
  • 32. R. R. MUNTZ et E. G. COFFMAN, Preemptive Scheduling of Real Time Tasks on Multiprocessor Systems, Journal de l'A.C.M., vol. 17, n° 2, 1970, p. 324-338. [MR: 282644] [Zbl: 0216.49702] [Google Scholar]
  • 33. R. R. MUNTZ et E. G. COFFMAN, Optimal Preemptive Scheduling on Processor Systems, I.E.E.E. Transactions on Computers, vol. C-18, n° 11, 1969, p. 1014-1020. [Zbl: 0184.20504] [Google Scholar]
  • 34. NEPOMIASTCHY, Résolution d'un problème d'ordonnancement à ressources variables, R.A.I.R.O., vol. V-12, n° 3, août 1978. [EuDML: 104694] [Zbl: 0383.60108] [Google Scholar]
  • 35. A. H. G. RINNOY-KAN, Machine Scheduling Problem: Classification, Complexity and Computations, Nyhoff, The Hague, 1976. [Zbl: 0309.90026] [Google Scholar]
  • 36. B. ROY, Algèbre moderne et théorie des graphes, Tome II, Paris, Dunod, 1970. [Zbl: 0238.90073] [MR: 260413] [Google Scholar]
  • 37. B. ROY, Cheminements et connexité dans les graphes, applications aux problèmes d'ordonnancement, revue METRA, vol. 62, série spéciale, n° 1, 1962. [Google Scholar]
  • 38. B. ROY et M. C. PORTMANN, Les problèmes d'ordonnancement, applications et méthodes, Cahier du LAMSADE, Université Paris-9, 1979. [Google Scholar]
  • 39. S. K. SAHNI, Algorithms for Scheduling Independant Tasks, Journal de l'A.C.M., vol. 23, n° 1, janvier 1976, p. 116-127. [MR: 434399] [Zbl: 0326.68024] [Google Scholar]
  • 40. L. SCHRAGE, Solving Resource-Constrained Network Problems by Implicit Enumeration: Preemptive Case, Operations Research, vol. 20, n° 3, 1972, p. 668-677. [Zbl: 0241.90019] [Google Scholar]
  • 41. R. SLOWINSKY, Multiobjective Network Scheduling with Efficient Use of Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 5, 1980. [Zbl: 0455.90049] [Google Scholar]
  • 42. J. D. ULLMAN, Polynomial Complete Scheduling Problems, Operating Systems Review, vol. 7, n° 4, 1973, p. 96-101. [Zbl: 0313.68054] [Google Scholar]
  • 43. H. WAGNER, Principles of Operations Research with Applications to Managerial Decisions, p. 185-187, Prentice-Hall, 1969. [MR: 353966] [Zbl: 0193.18402] [Google Scholar]
  • 44. J. WEGLARZ, Project Scheduling with Continously Divisible, Doubly Constrained Resources, Management Science, 1981, (à paraître). [Zbl: 0467.90033] [Google Scholar]
  • 45. B. SIMMONS, A Fast Algorithm for Simple Processor Scheduling, 19th annual symposium on Fondations of Computer Science, octobre 1978, p. 246-251. [Google Scholar]

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