Free Access
RAIRO-Oper. Res.
Volume 23, Number 4, 1989
Page(s) 355 - 374
Published online 06 February 2017
  • 1. R. AKELLA, Y. F. CHOONG and S. B. GERSHWIN, Performance of Hierarchical Production Scheduling Policy, IEEE Trans. On Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. CHMT-7, No. 3, September 1984. [Zbl: 0546.90041] [Google Scholar]
  • 2. R. AKELLA and P. R. KUMAR, Optimal Control of Production Rate in a Failure Prone Manufacturing System, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-31, No. 2, February 1988. [MR: 824906] [Zbl: 0579.90047] [Google Scholar]
  • 3. T. BIELECKI and P. R. KUMAR, Optimality of Zero-Inventory Policies for Unreliable Manufacturing Systems, Operations Research, Vol. 36, No. 4, July-August 1988. [MR: 960253] [Zbl: 0652.90054] [Google Scholar]
  • 4. S. B. GERSHWIN, A Hierarchical Framework for Discret Event Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems, Presented at IIASA Workshop on Discret Event Systems: Models and Applications, Sopron, Hungary, August 3-7, 1987. Published in Vol. 103, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Discret Event Systems: Models and Applications, P. VARAIYA and A. B. KURZHANSKI Eds., Springer-Verlag, 1987 a. [MR: 947970] [Zbl: 0643.90032] [Google Scholar]
  • 5. S. B. GERSHWIN, A Hierarchical Framework for Manufacturing Systems Scheduling: A Two-Machine Example, Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Los Angeles, California, December 1987 b. [Google Scholar]
  • 6. S. B. GERSHWIN, R. AKELLA, and Y. F. CHOONG, Short-term Production Scheduling of an Automated Manufacturing Facility, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol. 29, No. 4, July 1985. [Zbl: 0546.90041] [Google Scholar]
  • 7. S. B. GERSHWIN, R. R. HILDEBRANDT, R. SURI and S. K. MITTER, A Control Theorist's Perspective on Recent Trends in Manufacturing System, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 1986. [Google Scholar]
  • 8. S. C. GRAVES, A Review of Production Scheduling, Operations Research, Vol. 29, No. 4, July-August 1981. [MR: 628246] [Zbl: 0464.90034] [Google Scholar]
  • 9. R. R. HILDEBRANDT, Scheduling and Control of Flexible Machining Systems when Machines are Prone to Failures, Ph. D. Thesis, M.I.T. Dept. of Astronautics and Aeronautics, August 1980. [Google Scholar]
  • 10. J. KIMEMIA, Hierarchical Control of Production in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Ph. D. Thesis, M.I.T. Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, April 1982. [Google Scholar]
  • 11. J. KIMEMIA and S. B. GERSHWIN, An Algorithm for the Computer Control of a Flexible Manufacturing System, IIE Trans., Vol. 15, No. 4, December 1983. [Zbl: 0427.90048] [Google Scholar]
  • 12. O. Z. MAIMON and S. B. GERSHWIN, Dynamic Scheduling and Routing For Flexible Manufacturing Systems that Have Unreliable Machines, Operation Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, March-April 1988. [MR: 948371] [Google Scholar]
  • 13. R. RISHEL, Dynamic Programming and Minimum Principes for Systems with Jump Markov Disturbances, SIAM Journal on Control, Vol. 13, No. 2, February 1975. [MR: 389365] [Zbl: 0304.93025] [Google Scholar]
  • 14. A. SHARIFNIA, Production Control of a Manufacturing System with Multiple Machine States, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-33, No. 7, July 1988. [Zbl: 0647.90040] [Google Scholar]

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