Issue |
RAIRO-Oper. Res.
Volume 54, Number 3, May-June 2020
Page(s) | 615 - 636 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 March 2020 |
Comparisons of customer behavior in Markovian queues with vacation policies and geometric abandonments
School of Economics and Management, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
* Corresponding author:
This paper mainly studies customers’ equilibrium balking behavior in Markovian queues with single vacation and geometric abandonments. Whenever the system becomes empty, the server begins a vacation. If it is still empty when the vacation ends, the server stays idle and waits for new arrivals. During a vacation, abandonment opportunities occur according to a Poisson process, and at an abandonment epoch, customers decide sequentially whether they renege and leave the system or not. We consider four information levels: the fully/almost observable cases and the almost/fully unobservable cases, and get the customers’ equilibrium balking strategies, respectively. Then we also get their optimal balking strategies for the almost observable and the almost/fully unobservable cases, and make comparisons of customer strategies and social welfare for the almost observable and the almost/fully unobservable queues with single vacation and multiple vacations. Because of abandonment, we find that the customers’ equilibrium threshold in a vacation may exceed the one in a busy period in the fully observable queues. However, it has little effect on their equilibrium threshold in the almost observable queues, although frequent abandonment opportunity arrival inhibits their optimal threshold. Interestingly, for the almost unobservable queues, customers who arrive in a busy period are not affected by reneging that happened in the previous vacation when they make decisions of joining or balking, whereas the social planner expects that the customers can take it into consideration for social optimization. In the fully unobservable queues, because of no information, possible reneging surely influences customers’ equilibrium and optimal balking behavior. For the almost observable and the almost/fully unobservable queues, the optimal social welfare is greater in the queues with single vacation than that in the queues with multiple vacations.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 90B22
Key words: Queueing games / geometric abandonments / vacation policies / balking behavior / equilibrium / information precision / social welfare
© EDP Sciences, ROADEF, SMAI 2020
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