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Scheduling of Single-Arm Cluster Tools Handling Multiple Wafer Types Based on Double-Layer Configuration of Processing Modules
Jufeng Wang, Tingting Leng, Chunfeng Liu, MengChu Zhou and Side Zhao IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 21(4) 6833 (2024)
Intelligent Optimization Approach to Cell Formation and Product Scheduling for Multifactory Cellular Manufacturing Systems Considering Supply Chain and Operational Error
Chunfeng Liu, Jufeng Wang, MengChu Zhou and Tao Zhou IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 53(8) 4649 (2023)
Optimal Cyclic Scheduling of Wafer-Residency-Time-Constrained Dual-Arm Cluster Tools by Configuring Processing Modules and Robot Waiting Time