Free Access
Volume 4, Number V3, 1970
Page(s) 81 - 88
Published online 06 February 2017
  • OWEN, GUILLERMO, Game Theory, W.B. Saunders Co., 1968. [MR: 224376] [Zbl: 0159.49201] [Google Scholar]
  • WALSH, E. JOHN, « Discrete two-person game theory with median payoff criterion », Opsearch, vol.6 (1969), pp. 83-97. Also see « Errata », Opsearch, vol.6 ( 1969), p. 216. [MR: 321552] [Google Scholar]
  • WALSH, E. JOHN, « Median two-person game theory for median competitive game », Journal of the Opérations Research Soicety of Japan, vol. 12, décembre 1969, pp. 11-20. [MR: 292523] [Zbl: 0209.23401] [Google Scholar]
  • WALSH, E. JOHN and KELLEHER, J. GRACE, « Difficulties in practical application of game theory and a partial solution ». Submitted to Journal of the Canadian Operational Research Society. [Zbl: 0281.90089] [Google Scholar]
  • WALSH, E. JOHN, « Identification of situations where cooperation is preferable to use of median game theory ». Opsearch, vol. 7, june 1970, pp. 89-95. [MR: 284220] [Google Scholar]
  • WALSH, E. JOHN, « Generally applicable solutions for two-person median game theory », Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 13 (1970), pp. 1-5. [MR: 272413] [Zbl: 0219.90054] [Google Scholar]

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