Open Access
RAIRO-Oper. Res.
Volume 56, Number 4, July-August 2022
Page(s) 2245 - 2275
Published online 25 July 2022
  • A. Aghighi, A. Goli, B. Malmir and E.B. Tirkolaee, The stochastic location-routing-inventory problem of perishable products with reneging and balking. J. Ambient. Intell. Human Comput. (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s12652-021-03524-y. [Google Scholar]
  • M. Alinezhad, I. Mahdavi, M. Hematian and E.B. Tirkolaee, A fuzzy multi-objective optimization model for sustainable closed-loop supply chain network design in food industries. Environ. Dev. Sustain. 24 (2022) 8779–8806. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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  • S. Ghosh and S.K. Roy, Fuzzy-rough multi-objective product blending fixed-charge transportation problem with truck load constraints through transfer station. RAIRO: Oper. Res. 55 (2021) S2923–S2952. [CrossRef] [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]
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  • A. Paul, M. Pervin, S.K. Roy, G.W. Weber and A. Mirzazadeh, Effect of price-sensitive demand and default risk on optimal credit period and cycle time for a deteriorating inventory model RAIRO: Oper. Res. 55 (2021) 2575–2592. [Google Scholar]
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  • E.B. Tirkolaee, A. Goli, A. Faridnia, M. Soltani and G.W. Weber, Multi-objective optimization for the reliable pollution-routing problem with cross-dock selection using pareto-based algorithms. J. Cleaner Prod. 276 (2020) 122927. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
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