Issue |
RAIRO-Oper. Res.
Volume 55, 2021
Regular articles published in advance of the transition of the journal to Subscribe to Open (S2O). Free supplement sponsored by the Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte
Page(s) | S2773 - S2794 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 March 2021 |
A multi-retailer sustainable supply chain model with information sharing and quality deterioration
Department of Mathematics, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara 144 411, Punjab, India
Department of Mathematics, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol 713 340, West Bengal, India
* Corresponding author:
With the effect of increasing production rate, the probability of shifting the manufacturing process from “in-control” state to “out-of-control” increases with the passage of time. This happens due to the degradation of the mechanism which results in production of defective items. This study helps in examining the effect of changed production rate on the quality of goods produced. This research further examines the influence of manufacturing rate on “mean time to failure (MTTF)”. This increased production rate is not always environmental friendly due to the emission of contaminated gases after production process. The idea of making a specific investment initiation is incorporated in this paper to attain a sustainable environment development. Also, the information exchange is assumed in the supply chain system to achieve a better profitability. The mathematical model thus created and is validated with enough data, numerical experimentation, and graphical representation. The study concluded that higher degree of quality function reduces the MTTF of machine, also setup and environmental investment has highest impact on the total cost.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 90B05 / 90B06
Key words: Supply chain management / variable production cost / quality management / controllable lead time / single-setup / multi-delivery policy / sustainability
© EDP Sciences, ROADEF, SMAI 2021
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